✨Finding Your Purpose with Adult ADHD: 🙌 Navigating the Journey

✨Finding Your Purpose with Adult ADHD: 🙌 Navigating the Journey

Over the past few years, I've hyperfocused on understanding ADHD and how it affects me. I'm not an expert, but I hope to offer some guidance and support based on my experiences. Many of us are discovering our neurodivergence later in life and are unsure where to start. I've learned a lot, and I'm ready to share that with you. The more we share our stories, the better we can support each other.

Podcasts have become a vital tool for me. As someone with ADHD, I find it helpful to have something engaging to listen to while doing mundane tasks. Whether it's driving, cleaning, or just needing some background noise, I hope the ADHDFest podcast can be that inspiring companion for you ❤️✨ But for those that prefer to digest information in a written format, I have condensed the finding your purpose episode into this blog...

Finding Your Purpose with ADHD

Today's topic is about finding your purpose with ADHD. You may already have your dream career, and if so, that's wonderful. But for many of us, pinpointing that one passion can be incredibly challenging. We're often interested in so many things that it's hard to settle on just one. This can lead to a pattern of job-hopping, career changes, and starting multiple businesses without seeing them through.

There's a lot of guilt and shame associated with this. Society often pressures us to find a single, lifelong career, something that defines us. But for those of us with ADHD, this isn't always realistic. We need to embrace our multifaceted interests and understand that it's okay to have multiple callings.

Dealing with Low Self-Worth and Consistency Challenges

ADHD can lead to low self-worth, especially when undiagnosed. We often compare ourselves to our neurotypical peers, thinking they have it all figured out. The truth is, they struggle too. The difference is that ADHD impacts our ability to maintain consistent motivation. We're told that consistency is key to success, but this is often an unrealistic expectation for us.

Our search for dopamine can result in what I call "shiny object syndrome." We get excited about a new idea or project, but as soon as something else catches our interest, we drop the previous one. This cycle of enthusiasm and abandonment can leave you feeling like a failure.

Embracing Multi-Potentiality and Redefining Success

My journey has involved a lot of different paths. From dancing to acting, from beauty therapy to working in retail and corporate environments, I've tried many things. Each shift left me feeling like I was missing something, like I was failing to find my true purpose. It damaged my self-worth and felt embarrassed.

After diagnosis, I took a step back to try to understand my ADHD and learn to work with it. This reflection period was crucial, and I was fortunate to have the support to do so. If you're in a position where you can't take a complete break, try to find the lowest stress job possible and give yourself space to breathe.

Accepting ADHD and Acknowledging Strengths

Understanding ADHD means acknowledging both our weaknesses and our strengths. We tell ourselves little lies to cope, like claiming to have a terrible sense of direction or being bad at consistency - both are in fact caused by my ADHD, not personal failings. These coping mechanisms are developed over time. It's important to recognize our true capabilities and stop downplaying our strengths also, are you creative? Thoughtful? Hyperfocus queen?

The Myth of the One True Career

Society puts a lot of pressure on us to find a single, lifelong career. This pressure fools us into believing that once we find our one true passion, all of the struggles will disappear. But that's not how life works, especially for those of us with ADHD. We need to let go of this unrealistic expectation.

Instead, we should embrace the idea of having multiple interests and careers. It's okay to do different things at different times. You don't have to stick to one path. A friend once told me, "Why can't you do it all?" This resonated with me. Why should we limit ourselves when we can explore various passions? We don't have to have one full time job because everyone else does. We don't have to stay in one career and climb the ladder for all eternity! In fact, we could have five jobs, one for every day of the week if we wanted!

Creating a Life That Works for You

It's important to find a way to structure your life that accommodates your ADHD. You might have multiple part-time jobs, pursue different interests on different days, or combine creative projects with more stable work. The key is to find what works for you without feeling guilty about not conforming to societal norms.

Listening to Your Inner Voice

Take time to reflect on what you truly want. Journal, chat with a trusted friend or speak out loud to. yourself to really hear those inner desires. Often, our actions are driven by a desire to prove ourselves to others. Instead, focus on what makes you happy and fulfilled. You don't need to fit into the mould set by others. Your path is unique, and it's okay to embrace that.

Practical Ideas for a Multi-Passionate Life

Here are some practical ideas to consider if you're looking to embrace a multi-passionate life:

1. Consulting: Use your expertise in a freelance capacity. Offer consulting services in your field of knowledge. This allows flexibility and the opportunity to choose your own hours.

2. Low-Stress Jobs: Look for no-experience jobs that are low-stress. These can be in-person or remote. The key is to find something that doesn't overwhelm you.

3. Volunteering: If you can afford it, volunteering can be incredibly fulfilling and a way to explore different interests.

4. Podcasting: Start your own podcast. It's easier than you think and allows you to share your passions with others.

5. Creative Projects: Sell your handmade crafts or creative projects online or at local markets. Turn your hobbies into small income streams.

6. Gardening: If you love being outdoors, consider gardening or landscaping work. It's a great way to stay active and enjoy nature.

7. Delivery Driving: This job allows you to listen to audiobooks and podcasts while working, making it a productive and low-stress option.

8. Teaching: Train to teach a skill you're passionate about. Offer classes on weekends or evenings to fit your schedule.

Conclusion: Embrace Your ADHD Journey

I hope sharing my story and insights has been helpful. Remember, it's okay to have multiple passions and interests. You don't have to conform to societal expectations of having one true career. Embrace your ADHD, acknowledge your strengths, and create a life that works for you.

I'll be back with more blog posts soon. And here's a little tip for my fellow ADHDers: when you have a burst of inspiration, batch your tasks! It helps maintain momentum and keeps things exciting.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let's embrace our neurodiversity and create fulfilling lives together.
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